Monday, June 17, 2013

Spying through Internet by the Governments out of Imperialistic attitude.

Now a days the world is surging up with the news reveled by "The Guardian"about spying of NSA of US through Internet.

Daily  new stories of Governmental spying are coming as headline news on the media.Today also a story of spying has been published by the,the heading of which is "Britain 'spied' on G20 delegates in 2009: report"

It seems that several Governments are using the Internet as one of their spying devices. However,spying to prevent terrorism in the world using Internet can not be said as bad,but in fact it appears that Governments are more interested to spy on others as terrorist attack on World Trade Center of US could not be prevented.

Spying through Internet by the Governments of world's top countries on other countries is earning hatred of common people as such activity shows a trend of Imperialism.

1 comment:

  1. This is obvious, but let's think soberly, in the social this is almost all information about a person. Someone doesn't hide even their own personal photos. So it's not necessary to spy, everything is already known, it`s showing on Facebook.
    And apps for minimal espionage Snoopza can be downloaded and used without a detective license) Does it surprise anyone? No, not really, I would say. Maybe you just need to sort the information before making it public. And don't keep in social networks something that can then be very ashamed. It's simple)


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